Drugs Bottles Copyright:  t0msk/Creative Commons

Value-based pricing

The NHS spends approximately 10% (9.3bn) of its budget on branded drugs every year.1 Controlling this spending while maximising access to new pharmaceuticals, and encouraging innovation is challenging and ever more critical given the present financial constraints. The current Pharmaceutical Price Regulation Scheme (PPRS) seeks to limit pharmaceutical company profits but …

Homeless courtesy of Maggie Smith / FreeDigitalPhotos.net

No Second Night Out

Every night 1768 people sleep rough across England.1 Many of this population have complex health needs including mental health problems, drug misuse problems, …

Tummy Of Pregnant Woman: Image courtesy of imagerymajestic / FreeDigitalPhotos.net

Midwifery led alcohol education

In the UK approximately half of women drink alcohol during pregnancy, 8% drink above recommended safe limits (1 or 2 units once …